Thursday, June 6, 2019

Robinson to present on “Emulsion Electrospun Fibers June 14

It is a great pleasure to announce that Dr. Jenny Robinson is going to give a presentation on “Emulsion Electrospun Fibers for Sex-Dependent Fibrocartilage Regeneration,” on Friday, June 14, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. We hope everyone can join us. Please refer to the flyer below. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Ali Khan selected to Open Finalist of the Student Paper Competition at the IEEE EMBC’19

The SBME family congratulates Ali Khan, recently selected as the Open Finalist of the Student Paper Competition at the IEEE EMBC’19, the prestigious flagship annual conference for the largest international society of biomedical engineering (i.e., Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS).

Ali Khan will compete in the oral presentations for the first three positions at the conference on July 25th, in Berlin, Germany. He was rated TOP THREE out of more than 200 student papers from all over the world (ranked number 2 for North America Regions).

This truly represents a significant achievement for his hard work!

Ali Khan is advised in research by Dr. Han Yuan and Dr. Lei Ding.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Thomas Selected to Receive Astronaut Scholarship Award

The SBME family congratulates Emily Thomas, recently named recipient of the prestigious Astronaut Scholarship Award.

Emily, a junior from Chickasha, Oklahoma, will travel to Washington D.C. in August to attend the Innovator's Gala, during which she will be presented with the ASF award.

As part of this honor, Emily will receive the following:
  • Up to $10,000 award
  • Expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. for the Innovators Gala featuring the Neil Armstrong Award of Excellence
  • Opportunity to present and represent their institution at the Scholar Technical Conference
  • Mentoring for one year by a scholar alumni, C-suite executive or astronaut
  • Opportunity to participate in the Professional Development Program
  • Opportunity to participate in Foundation events
  • Membership in the Astronaut Scholar Honor Society
Emily is known for her enthusiasm, positivity and hard work. Emily is advised in research by Emi Kiyotake, Stephenson Graduate Fellow and PhD candidate from Dr. Detamore's group. She is currently doing summer research in the Bioengineering Program at the University of Colorado, Denver.