Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Samant Pratik awarded first place at the OU 3MT final competition

The SBME family congratulates Samant Pratik, a PHD student in the Stephenson School of Biomedical Engineering, for his award-winning presentation on "Listening for Cancer with X-ray Induced Ultrasound" at the OU 3MT final competition on February 22, 2019. He was awarded first place

His research is focused on “Designing and constructing the hardware and software for a 3D nanoscale photoacoustic tomography for in-vivo label-free imaging of red blood cells at super-resolution (on the order ofnm)” and “Designing and constructing the hardware and software of an X-ray Acoustic Computed Tomography for 3D x-ray imaging with a single projection and high resolution x-ray absorption contrast”. Bio medical Engineering (IBEST & SBME) are very proud of Samant for representing the University of Oklahoma at the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools 3MT Competition.

This truly represents a significant achievement for his hard work!
Samant Pratik is advised in research by Dr. Lei Ding.

Please refer to the following YouTube link to see the video of Samant Pratik’s winning performance at the OU 3MT 2019.