Sunday, August 18, 2019

Stephenson School of Biomedical Engineering AND the Clara Luper Department of African and African - American Studies Presents Cato Laurencin

It is a great pleasure to announce that Dr. Cato Laurencin is going to give a joint presentation on “Success is What you Leave Behind”, Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 6:30 in the early evening. Please see the seminar announcement below for more information about Dr. Laurencin and his seminar topic.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

#OUGivingDay ## Give back. Make an impact!

Support @uofoklahoma on #OUGivingDay September 10th and #GiveSooner! 

Join us for a 24-hour fundraising campaign to raise support for OU's Greatest Need, student programs. Each year, thousands of OU alumni and friends join together to provide important resources to ease the financial burden on students and provide the best educational experience possible — but the need is still great.

Monday, August 5, 2019


Will you #GiveSooner on September 10th? Join us for ONE DAY, ONE PURPOSE, ONE SOONER FAMILY, and give back to (#University of OKlahoma). #OUGivingDay (OU.EDU/GIVINGDAY)

SBME Students Place First at BMES Coulter College Program

The SBME family congratulates Osamah Mian, James Elias, Benjamin Seibert and Daniel Cheong for their award-winning presentation entitled "Designing a public blood glucose monitoring system." The award was given during the BMES Coulter College program at Medtronic in Minneapolis. The team's presentation was ranked first over other projects, including those from John Hopkins, George Washington and Temple University. OU ranked in the top three overall in the Coulter College Program.

Dr. Moore and his student's design project is in type 2 diabetes management: providing more personalized, affordable and actionable insight for patients.

This award represents a significant achievement for the team's hard work and dedication.

Osamah Mian, James Elias, Benjamin Seibert and Daniel Cheong are advised by Dr. Marc Moore.

BMES Coulter College program at Medtronic in Minneapolis

The SBME family congratulates Dr. Moore, Mian Osamah , Elias James, Seibert Benjamin and Cheong Daniel for representing University of OKlahoma by participating in the BMES Coulter College program at Medtronic in Minneapolis.

Dr. Marc Moore’s and his lab students are wandering and brainstorming for the best solutions. Hopefully they will identify a medical need and then develop an innovative solution for it.

Dr. Moore’s and his students's design project is in "type 2 diabetes management": providing more personalized, affordable, and actionable insight for patients managing their T2D.